Turtlestich and Code Crafters Studio
Workshop SIGGRAPH 2019,
July 29, 2019
This is our slide show for the workshop.
To get started
Please make sure your computer has a Chrome window open to http://codecrafting-rs.net. Navigate to the gray Studio Workshop button that should take you right here.
Open a new tab, and click on this link: turtlestitch.org.
Please log in as: siggws with password Angel
Who are we? Look here
Contribute to the quilt
Or not.... feel free to quietly leap ahead, fall being, or just explore.
Approximately 5 minutes live coding, 15 minutes for you to play.
Our SIGGRAPH team, Andrea, AnneMarie, Michael, Susan, Tanya, and Ursula float.
Andrea introduces turtle stitch (link to final code here)
Ursula introduces blocks (link to final code here)
Ursula introduces variables and blocks with parameters (link to final code here)
Save your project(s) to the cloud in our account.
The floaters describe their favorite projects.